About me

I’m primary a photographer and to earn much needed income I also manage some social media accounts. I live in Napier, South Africa, together with the love of my life who is also a bit quirky at times and creates the most wonderful jewellery. We are not mainstream people as you probably figured out. I love story-telling and read books (about 2 – 3 weekly). In between I write short notes, photo captions and short stories. These are all a bit out of the ordinary or is it extraordinary?

Reading and looking to pictures require the imagination of a child; not obstructed by limited boundaries beyond the given.

My pictures are beyond real although some look like it. Sometimes I add something but always I play with perspectives.

This blog is autobiographic fiction; a trendy word for that is ‘faction’. You might wonder which part is autobiographic and which part is the fiction. And; is it fiction or is it fantasy? “Fiction is it when the described events could have happened in reality. Fantasy is it when the impossible is described,” a friend said once. But than quite a few fiction books should be re-classified to fantasy; especially thrillers.

I have an associative mindset. Seeing, feeling, hearing or smelling a ‘reality’ is always associated with another possible or imaginary reality.

Writing requires not only skill but also imagination/fantasy and the same applies more or less for photography. Everything I write and picture is the true reality as I experience and with pure imagination and a few poor skills transformed into this blog.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Wasn’t thatAlbert Einstein; a visionary who used his imagination to break through the boundaries of science?

What you read (and see) are thoughts, (weird) short stories, quotes, a bit of poetry, etc. I’m ‘native’ Dutch (living in South Africa) so don’t expect perfect English 😉 .

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